Sonntag, 9. Dezember 2012

The world is changing for the better...

Lately I have been thinking about this a lot because I can see a significant change towards a more conscious lifestyle in todays society.
In 1996 at the age of 16 I have made a conscious and consequent step towards a vegan lifestyle.
I remember being happy when seeing soymilk in a supermarket and not having to pay a lot for an undelicious soymilk from the health food store.
I ran around with a "Veganissimo 1" in my backpack all the time.
Just today I went to Netto (german discount grocery store). Nowadays I can get soymilk, fakemeat stuff and organic bananas there. But they also label many of their products "vegan", even the aceto balsamico I have bought. That is an incredible progression towards a more conscious society und unthinkable 10 years ago.

3 weeks ago I went running with these fine dudes that are running the blog "beVegt". The forest "Stadtpark in Frankfurt was our destination and we ran almost 22km. Really nice!
Daniel, me and Katrin
We had an incredible hangout, good talk, they prepared a delicious meal and I have tasted their energy bar Thanks to you for these hours spent!

There's two more things that I want to see happening soon:
A network of veggie/vegan handymen, financial advisors, etc. so that I can choose for veggies to do jobs for me. I don't want my money to support other people to buy more meat and exploit more animals or perhaps even buy guns to go hunting! So someone should get that sort of info network together, please! 

I would also love to see a petition asking for all the german chocolate producers to leave butterfat out of their bitter chocolates. Until around ten years ago I was able to eat all the christmas chocolate stuff, but nowadays it is hard to come by vegan christmas stuff.

Another question: What's up with filtering fruit juices? It can be made with gelatine. Need to find that out as well. Anyone's got a hint? I've just heard that Aldi Süd's apple juice is vegan. I am happy about hearing that since it is my fave apple juice.

The second to last weekend I went running with my friends Kerstin and Sebastian, accompanied by my girlfriend. We went 20km around the 6-Seen-Platte which is the running mekka in Duisburg.
Last weekend we went mountainbiking with several cool dudes from my triathlon club plus one more friend of mine. It has been my first time on a MTB after 2 years since my bike got stolen. Awesome! I really love it and need to buy a decent MTB soon again. 
Some of the best dudes to go mountainbiking with!

On the next day 4 of us from the MTB tour did the 10km race of our club in Oberhausen Schmachtendorf. Sebastian placed first in our age group, I was second. 
Nordtriathleten after the race

Me and Seb. The 3rd guy was not there anymore, but that pic is real! :-)
Finally I was brave enough to get a "vegan" tattoo. I do have "No more" tattooed on my inner lip, which is from a veggie song by "Youth of Today", but up until a few months back I was not 100% sure if I will stay vegan for the rest of my life.
Now I do know! I have been vegan for the last 16 years of my life, which is half my life now and it has never been as easy to live vegan as it is now. So why should I ever take that decision back. It is the best choice in my life and feels totally natural, healthy and compassionate. It has also become so easy. So I went to my buddys at Lifetime Tattoos and got Frank to do this on me, after Andre has done a three other big tats on me.

After the tattoosession I went to Lolu, which is really close. It is a nice veggie restaurant with several vegan options and meals. They got great fresh tea as well. I can really recommend the hummus with bread and the seitan burger.

Before heading there I went to my favortite organic bakery in Duisburg: Schomaker. They got vegan nougatrings as well as other sweet things and delicious bread rolls with olives, etc.
You cannot go wrong there!

Training November 18th- December 18th:
18th: 2h running with Katrin and Daniel of BeVegt in Frankfurt
19th: mixed workout with kettlebell, ergobike, rope, own body weight
20th: 1h badminton with my daughter, 2.1km swimming with speed intervals
21st: 1h easy cycling on my fitnessbike
22nd: ropeskipping, treadmill, fitnessbike, TRX training, own body weight exercises at my new job
23rd: 10 min running to the swimming hall, then 2.1km swimming
24th: 1h running with Fila Skeletoes, 34 min Yoga (toning and stretch)
25th: 2 climbing, then 20.5km running
26th: Restday
27th: 2.3km swimming
28th: 35 min running in Fila Skeletoes, then 40 min easy cycling on fitnessbike
29th: 1h power and stability exercises +  ropeskipping and running on the treadmill
30th: 1h running incl. 3 sprints (with Fila Skeletoes again)
Dec. 1st: 3h mountainbiking with my teammates and friends, then 30 min badminton with my daughter
2nd: Nikolausrun (crossrun) of Sterkrade-Nord (my club): 10km in 39.03min
3rd: 34 min toning and stretch Yoga, then 15 min easy running with my daughter incl. sprints
4th: 2,4km swimming
5th: 42 min running incl. 3 sprints in the morning (fasting run)
6th: 1h power and stability, then 65 min treadmill incl. 4 sprints
7th: 34 min easy cycling on fitnessbike
8th: 3 spinning, 25 min running incl. 5x1min at 20 km/h, then a few exercises for power
9th: 11.2km running on snow and ice
10th: Just Yoga (toning and stretch)
11th: 70 min running incl. 3 sprints
12th: 1h cycling, ca. 40 min power and stablity, 70 min running incl. 10 sprints (first four moderate, 6-10 harder)
13th: 36 min running, 5 min rowing
14th: restday
15th: 29km running incl. several runs up the Schlackeberg (big big slagheap) 
16th: 64 min cycling incl. 2x 6 high intensive intervals
17th: 1h easy cycling (to compensate the weekends training)
18th: 45 min easy running incl. 3 sprints

Samstag, 17. November 2012

It's been a while since my last blogentry.
I just had a lot to do and haven't found much inspiring to me that I find inspirig to share.
Well... I regularly check out this blog and I think you should do, too.

I have just came across this interesting website:
Check it for yourselves, it is definitely worth a visit or two.

My band GETITDONE! had just put out a split 7" we have released on our own and a split CD (on Lunas Records from Istanbul) with Radical Noise from Turkey. This band is damn good and amazing dudes.
Check out their video here:
It has been edited by my friend Engin who will soon be living in Germany so let me know if you need professional videos for your band.

My friend Firat organized a pair of Fila Skeletoes for me for just 10€. 
These are barefoot running shoes similar to Vibram's fivefingers.
I got a few pairs of shoes that are very light racers, but this is the second time I have purchased barefoot alike shoes.
What can I say? I love running in these!!!
This pair costed only 10€ due to the german shoe shop Deichmann throwing these out of their roster.
Amazing shoe, your feet get wet, and it is a tight and flexible feeling, still I felt safe.

Lately I have made pizzadough on my own out of memory without a scale or anything.
I took these ingredients: 

wholegrain spelt flour, wheat flour, salt, agave nectar, oliveoil, 2 portions of yeast, wheat germs, soyflour, warm water

Knead the ingredients for a while until the dough is just fine. Then leave it in the bowl under a piece of cloth for like 30 min.
Then preheat the oven, form the dough and put the dough in the oven before putting the stuff you want to have on your pizza. So the dough becomes more solid.
Then put whatever you like on to and wait the few minutes until it is ready.

A few times I only added garlicoil and tomatoes on it and added salt and pepper later on. Delicious.
I have also baked this bread.
It is totally tasty, healthy and fits to sweet and salty spreads.
The dough can also be put in the freezer and used whenever needed.

Training Oct. 17th - November 17th:
17th: 34 min Yoga in the morning, 14,5 km running incl. 4x1km fast at ca. 3.50min/km, later 17 min stretchyoga
18th: 10 min mixed exercises to warm up, later on a few exercises with Thera bands but resting apart from this.
19th: 2x 20 min running, later 2.5km swimming incl. 5x100m fast
20th: 105km cycling incl. 2 flat tyres :-(
21st: 14km running incl. 5x1km at 3.50-3.40min/km around lakes in Duisburg, later stretch Yoga
22nd: Restday
23rd: 30 min strength and stability, 55min indoor cycling, 30 min strength and stability exercises
24th: 1.30h relaxed running
25th: 1h cycling on fitnessbike
26th: 1h cycling on fitnessbike
27th: 2.5km swimming, later 45 min running incl. 3 sprints
28th: 18 min Yoga, 12km running incl. 3x 10 squats, then sprints, 6x1km fast at ca. 3.40min/km
29th: 45 min easy running
30th: 1h strength exercises, 1h fitnessbike
31st: 8,5km running incl. 4x 1km fast at 3.40 min/km
Nov 1st: 15 min Yoga in the morning 30 min Yoga in the evening
2nd: 55 min swimming
3rd: "funrun" in Oberhausen. I only partook in 3 laps: 1* 2,6km (6.30min/km), 1* 2,6km (4.15min/km), 1* 2,6km (3.30min/km), went climbing in the evening
4th: 1,6km running to warm up, then 800m fast, 10km race at the st. martinilauf in Herne in 39.00
5th: Restday
6th: 30 min strength, 52 min inddor cycling, a few more strength exercises
7th: 50 min running incl. stairs, jumps, etc. with my Fila Skeletoes
8th: 1.20h cycling on fitnessbike, incl. Intervals
9th: 2.4km swimming
10th: 1h cycling and 25 min mixed exercises with kettlebell, swissball, rope and dumbbell
11th: 35 min running, later 15 min fitnessbike, then 32 km cycling very easy with my uncle
12th: 2.1km swimming
13th: Restday... too much work
14th: 35 min runnin, 70 min cycling on fitnessbike, 10 min strength exercises
15th: Restday... too much work again
16th: 1h cycling + 1 h swimming
17th: 2h cycling on fitnessbike

Dienstag, 16. Oktober 2012

Büyük Sehir: Istanbul, smoothies and ernergy bars

Istanbul Hardcore: Radical Noise

For many many years I have hoped for my friend Emres band Radical Noise to get back together again and play a show in Istanbul, so that I can travel there and see it.
Well... this year they have finally put their efforts together again, played a show in their hometown Istanbul and recorded songs which they wanted to share with us on a split cd/7". Crazy project and sometimes stressy, but with all of our hands working together and our friend Ricardo from the band For the Glory (Portugal) helping out with the 7" layout we have put this into reality.
Cd Layout + 7" layout
Arrival in Istanbul
After having landed in Istanbul we took a bus from the Sabhian Gökce Airport to Istanbul-Kadiköy. Having waited a few minutes on the busstation in front of the ferry harbour we got picked up by Emre and Engin (one fo the very few turkish straight edge kids). We had breakfast (I had a lentil soup with bread) although it was not too easy to describe veganism to the waiters of the restaurant. After this refreshing meal and putting one 7" sample together it was about time to leave for Ankara by bus. It was a comfy bus with Wifi and TV screens on every seat. On our way there we did a stop at some tourist place and there we witnessed the wide variety of turkish sweets of which many are vegan. I think I have bought sweets for around 6 €. They usually make these sweets out of pekmez (syrup) of figs and then add wafers, nuts, etc. Delicious!
The first sample 7" we put together

Much of this is vegan!!! Yeah!
We arrived at Ankara bus station at around 4pm and got picked up by Erce from Ankaras HC legend Pogo's not Fight and drove to the venue. All people there were very kind to us. We hung out outside and put our 7"es together (inlays, 7", stamps) to be ready for sale that night.
We made a soundcheck and went out for food. Found a nice place which served "Gözleme" and made it without butter for us. I had a mixed salad and Gözleme with potatoes and then Gözleme with aubergine. Tasted amazing!!!

Gözleme without butter! Tasty as hell!

Getting back to the club and being welcomed by a fan who bought loads of stuff. Nice!
Autographs and pics with us were asked by some people so it seemed as if a foreign band was something really special. The hospitatliy of the people in Ankara was overwhelming and unique. Performance 2012 is the name of the club and it was their first concert. The owners do have a band themselves. We have played with Pogo's not fight and Since Yesterday. PNF were an old band that quit 14 years ago and got back together recently. They played a typical mix of HC styles from the nineties: Old school, but also cross over influences. Nice!!! People really enjoyed their set and I can see why! It was much fun! People were drinking alot and had a pogoparty to the max going on.
Then Since Yesterday: I knew their name... I just didn't know why. Later on one of them told me that I forwarded some booker contacts to them some months ago. Very nice people... borrowed us some equipment. Their musicstyle was modern hardcore, sometimes with their bassplayer as 2nd vocalist. Pretty good actually. Missed out on buying their CD but one of my bandmates left a copy in our merchbag so that is mine now! :-)

GID! and Ahmet

GID! on stage in Ankara

Awesome roadie: Engin
 Then it was time for us. Not as many people still as during PNF's set, but still we had our fun, some stagedives, people seemed to enjoy, we even had to play an encore of 2 songs without Conny playing bass (she filled in for our bassplayer and only practised with us once). Firat really grew into his role as frontmen, since he is the only one of us to speak turkish he had to speak the most during our set and really motivated the audience.
After the show we sold some merch that we had to sign and took loads of pics.
Anakara, we will come back!

top right: poster for our show

Right after the show we had to hurry up a bit to catch the last bus back to Istanbul. Some sketchy dudes sold tickets to us much cheaper than tthe tickets to get to Ankara. When the awaited bus didn't come our roadie Emre went back to check if we got screwed over. Luckily this wasn't the case and the bus appeared a few minutes later. 
Me and Firat sleeping during long busdrive

This bus was a little less comfy, but we tried to sleep and most of us slept well. Unluckily the same motorway we took yesterday had been closed due to roadworks, so the bus had to take smaller roads which made the trip an adventure of 10 hours (instead of 4.5) and almost made me puke. We arrived a little outside of Istanbul at a busstation from where we got a shuttle bus free of charge directly a street near our hostel. We checked in and then walked around in Istanbul, drank fresh juices, had a nice meal (if you leave out buttered stuff, many meals are vegan indeed) and chilled. 

I had a pomegranate/orange juice

A little later Firat and me ran down to the Galata bridge and back up to our hostel and we got ready for the show.
Emre was a little aggrieved because the Ankara show was a small show and he feared that the Istanbul show will not have as many people as calculated due to several other shows in the same night right around the corner. At the beginning there weren't as many people as expected, while the streets seemed to be full of "alternative" people. But in Istanbul they first hang out at clubs where the bear is cheap. In the end 250 people still showed up. This wasn't enough for us to cover our flights, but it was still our first time in Turkey and we had almost 250 people enjoying what we do.
Anyways... Something's Wrong (also an old band that just got back together after more than 10 years) were really good. Sounded a lot like Biohazard. They had a melodic/rapping singer and one shouter. I really enjoyed. Then we were next.
We did a little linecheck again and then started with our first song GetItDone! People really got into it. We even made some throwing away their shirts to Black Flags "Rise Above" which some of them commented with "now this german guy makes us dance halfnaked, but he won't get my ass!" haha. Our friend Engin who was one of 3 turkish straight edge kids at the show did stagedives although he had a broken foot. Nice!

After our set was over people wanted to shake hands, told us that we were great, etc... It felt reall special!!! This was also the first show Radical Noise played with new songs being ready on our split Cd. Osman who does Lunas recordings was their, too. Very friendly guy. If interested get your copy through my band or from Lunas Records!

GetItDone! on stage in Istanbul
Then Radical Noise was on. They started with new songs ("zaman gecer" from our split Cd for instance)and many people already new that material. But when they played their old songs people went nuts. I have really loved to finally see them playing their songs "Angry son", "Bazen", Salla Merkezi", etc. Their songs are in turkish or in english. Kerems voice is great, also live!
Right before they ended their set I went under the shower and at the same time Emre wanted GID! to join them on stage for a picture. On my way to the shower I saw Felix and Conny sleeping in the backstage already. The weekend has already been very tough. haha Only Firat was on stage. 

Radical Noise live!

I got back from te shower and RN played an encore. What a great evening!!! All these smiling faces, so many nice people, no attitudes, no fights, just positivity. I love the Istanbul HC scene.
After the show we shortly got back to our hostel (Hostel Liberta: was ok and pretty cheap!) and then Firat, Engin and me went out to look for Engins special places. Many many people were on the streets still. Peyote was a nice club, but we left after Engin didn't find his expected friends.
At 4 am the clubs shut down, so we had french fries on the most famous street of Instabul: "Istiklal Street" and walked back to our hostel. We slept around 5.30 hours, since we had to leave our room. Luckily they let us store our luggage in their so we took the chance to finally visit the city, drink cay and just enjoyed life. Emre showed us around, we had another cay at Kybele Garden near the Hagia Sofia. Then we split since Firat and me wanted to see the cystern of the roman basilica. It was an antigue water basin in the underground. Amazing! Totally worth the 5€ entry fee.

Down in the Basilica Cistern
A big potatoe called Kumpir is vegan when served without butter, ask for it!
Vegan choices in a usual restaurant

My friend Emre from Radical Noise and me

GID! in front of the Hagia Sofia

Some roman columns near the archeological museum

Park near Topkapi Saray. We ran down... fun!

Down from Topkapi Saray towards the water. Atatürk is everywhere!

Chilling at Hotel Kybele

Firat and me went up to Topkapi Saray afterwards. Not enough time to visit the garden or the museum, but we enjoyed the sun while lying on the gras in the area of the antigue greek akropolis and jogging through the park towards the water and the Galata bridge and then back towards the hostel to meet the others. They didn't want to store the luggage any longer, so we had to find a cafe/restaurant near. Found a nice bar just a few meters from the hostel. Even on sunday evenings the streets were busy. Not busy as we might kow. Really busy comprabble only to London or Barcelona just without a proper public transportation system.
Anyways... it was time to say goodbye. Emre, Sinan, Esma and Engin brought us to the busstation.
We drove back to the Sabhian Gökcen Airport and felt depresed already thinking about the temperature shock from 23 degrees at night in Istanbul to 7 degrees in Cologne.
I will miss these nice people I don't see often enough. I will miss the kindness of the turkish people as well as eating at least 10 fresh figs every day.
Turkey, I will come back soon!!!

At the airport I found these bars stored in my trolley. Hm!
I can really recommend these for sporty people. has these. 
top: used during my Ironman: super!, 2nd: ok! 3rd: Used during longer runs, cool! bottom: chocolate and nuts: nice snack
Training fell shorter these days in Istanbul. Just one run with Firat, with a tough uphill section and that was it, almost.... apart from the shows we played.

This morning I did a nice green smoothie:
1 avocado, 1 kiwi, 1 banana, 1 mango, ground almonds, chia seeds, flax oil, mulberry syrup (dut pekmezi), mixed grain sprouts, alfalfa sprouts, peppermint, ginger

Training sept 24th-16th october

24th: Restday
25th: Restday
26th: 40 min running on treadmill incl. 3*4 min fast, 3 min easy, 3min fast, 3 min easy, 1 min fast, then a few pullups
27th: 1h cycling on fitnessbike easy mode
28th: 50 min swimming incl. endurance strength (swimming with paddles 50m, then 6 pushups, swimming 50 m without paddles/ 900m like that)
29th: Climbing at Neoliet, later 26km cycling 
30th: Climbing at Neoliet
1st: 32 min easy running incl. 3 sprints
2nd: 10 min Yoga in the morning, 6,5km running incl.  7*1min fast, later 18 min Yoga
3rd: 10km race in Herne through the woods in 39.22 min, warmed up with my kids who ran the race earlier on
4th: 2 h indoor cycling, 10 min pumping iron
5th: swimming with my triaclub incl. 10* 50min with paddles followed by 5 pushups, 50 m without paddles
6th: mixed exercises (ropeskipping, kettlebell, swissball)
7th: 3km cycling, 15km running with my clubmates, 3km cycling
8th: boxing training with my bro Firat
9th: 1h swimming in the morning (from 7-8)
10th: running to the Gasometer, running up the 116 m, then chilling for a few seconds and running back home
11th: 10 min of exercises in the morning, then 35 min running, later 2*17 min cycling
12th: Restday: show in Ankara
13th: ran a few minutes in Istanbul and played a show later on
14th: only jogged and walked a bit from Topkapi Saray towards our hostel in Istanbul
15th: 1.10h easy cycling on fitnessbike
16th: 1h swimming in the morning (7-8), later 30 min power and stability exercises, then 55min indoor cycling

Freitag, 28. September 2012

Next races for me!

Now that the triathlon season is over (and if no wonder occurs that I am gonna be flying to the Gamrin Barcelona City Triathlon) I will finally go running again.

My motivation within the last week wasn't high and I had 3 (!!!) days to rest. No time, no motivation to do sports. My muscles still felt slightly sore beyond reason.
Anyways... In october and November I am gonna partake in these two races:

Oct. 3rd: Herne: Herbstlauf of the Herner Triahtlon Team (a young triathlon team def. worth supporting).
Nov. 4th: Herne: St. Martini-City-Lauf

Both will be 10km races. The first one through woods, the second is a fast course within the city of Herne.
I will also have 15-20 kids from school with me that run the kids races.

Those days could be leisure days, or at least have more leisure hours, but I do believe that kids nowadays need to pushed, need to be pulled away from the shit they consume on tv and other media.
Where will this end if little kids don't know how to play, how to run, how to walk stairs?
I will always do my best to give them an opportunity to make this experiences. One life- one chance!

One of my favorite songs!

Sonntag, 23. September 2012

Veggie Athlete Jasmin/ my band in Turkey/ new vegan Cafe/

My training partner Jasmin ran the last half marathon before the Cologne Marathon in October!
Congrats on the result!!! Yeah!
Since the sports season is more or less over I can rest a little or enjoy finer things in life again.
Yesterday I went to see my friends Deathb4Dishonor play in Cologne and I also put up a merchbooth for the HardcoreHelpFoundation

So my band is about to play 2 Shows in Istanbul due to my friend Emre and his reunited band Radical Noise. I have always dreamed about flying to Istanbul and seeing them pla but now I am honored to even play with them. I cannot wait!!!

Show in Istanbul
Show in Ankara

Together with a few friends I hung out in Wuppertal and got introduced to Falafely. As the name implies it is a falafelplace that has vegan options. Nice and tasty. Check it out while you're in Wuppertal.
I am also very happy about having eaten the catering from Seasons in Gelsenkirchen-Buer. It is an organic, wholefoods cafe/restaurant. I just need to check out the cafe itself, since I have only eaten their food at a festival I have played with my band. Needless to say I am always happy when I find out about vegan spots in my area.

My girlfriend went to a veggie-fare in Düsseldorf where my friend Björn did a cookery show.
She was kind enough to bring me a vegan organic bar. After having tried this I ordered some other bars of that brand and all of them were amazing!!! Found it very easy to eat "active greens" bar while on my bike during my long distance triathlon.
The box of 18 "chocolaty choc chip" was gone after 3 days. So,so delicious!!!
I figured out it would be too expensive to eat too much of these every day so I have tried to make soe chocolate energy balls on my own and the result was tasteful, vitalizing and healthy:
Dried dates, spelt whole flour, wheat germs, mulberry sirup, agave nectar, dried bananas, flax seeds, cacao powder, chia seeds, ground almonds, soymik, peanut butter, maca powder: The energy ball is in the middle!
Finally new "Veggie Athletes" shirts are in the making. Due to several circumstances it had taken very long, but they will soon appear in the "" shop again.
You can also buy the organic foodbars there!

Training Sept. 10th- 23rd
10th: Restday
11th: indoor cycling 53min + power and stability exercises
12th: 36 min yoga
13th: 50 min running
14th: 40 min power and stability, 20 min VO2max (5min warmup, 3x30/30, 2x60/60, 3x30/30, 5 min cooldown) training on fitnessbike
15th: 3h easy running ca. 29km in Cologne
16th: power and stability excersises, rope skipping, yoga, running a few min with my daughter
17th: 40 min running
18th: 1h cycling on fitnessbike
19th: 2x 29,5km cycling to Herne and back later
20th: running ??? no entry... hm.
21st: 1.10h power and stabilty, then sauna
22nd: 3.10h easy cycling (90 km)
23rd: daughter birthday: just safeguarding the kids that climbed, nothing else. stayed awake far too long the day before and needed recovery. But you know what? Season is over, I can do whatever I wanna do! No more too much planning for my training.

Samstag, 8. September 2012

Cologne 226 finished (Ironman-distance)

My first long distance triathlon (aka Ironman) is over! I have finished the 3.8km swimming, 180km cycling and 42km running in 10:22:59 hours.
I am happy about that. What I find strange is that I would love to go running, cycling or swimming just today (started writing this 2 days later). I am feeling very good despite the fact that I had lost 4.5kilos on this day. That is alot considering I had only weighted 68-69kilos.
Anyways... 2 kilos are back on already and I can't stop eating. Surprisingly I don't want to have icecream or any other shittier stuff. I am eating loads of pasta with red sauce (just had a plate of pasta and a pizza) and veggies and fruits all day long.

What also makes me very, very proud is the fact that my ironman race got PETA 520€ and hopefully made people think more positive about vegans, sports and power.
After the transition from bike to run I have taken my "Veggie Athletes"-vest, which also hads a PETA and Logo on front. People seemed to be curious.

The race: I got to the Fühlinger See at about 6.20 on sunday morning, went to my bike, checked in my transition2 bag (running equipm.) and tried to get ready (dressing, toilettime). I was happy about crapping 4 times before the race. I was also happy about solid crap again. The 3 days before I felt ill and my crap was not always solid (may sound strange, but liquid crap will make your body lose loads of minerals that are very important for races over 3 hours). Crap is a reliable indicator for health.

After checking in I met my friend Sebastian Ueckert, a fellow hardcore dude, who also wanted to achieve that goal of being an Ironman. My clubmates also came early that morning to see the swimstart and lend me a running watch. Thanks!

Somehow I was not very nervous anymore. We got to the starting line and I still had 3 minutes.
We started 5 minutes after the professionals, so no fireworks for us, but that didn't matter as I just wanted to swim. We had to swim up the whole regatta course then almost fully back. I got off the water after 1:08. I was glad! This was my first time transitioning at a long distance triathlon so I didn't want to be too quickly to forget anything and stayed calm. I got on the bike and after 20something KM I started talking to an elder ironman with much more experience. I needed to talk a little. It was cold (10-11 degrees Celsius) and my hands were freezing. He had gloves but I couldn't even take the gels I was offered at the food stall due to my hands unable to grasp. I also needed to wee so I asked him if I could do that while sitting on the bike. Then the motorbike overtook us and gave him a yellow card for blocking me. I wasn't blocked by him at all, because I didn't want to overtake. The street was big enough for other to overtake us, but anyways...
we had to speak to the referees and in the end it was alright. I don't know if this has to be that strict for hobby triathletes likes us, but whatever...
I did quite a big part of the 180km together with that dude. After a while another dude from Poland also cycled with us and it seemed as if he did not know about drafting, because he always sucked on us or basicly anybody else, so that I even thought I could do that too for a few meters. On some races you are allowed to do that, but generally in germany that is forbidden and you can get a penalty.
Sometimes I have seen my friend Seb and we tried to shout encouragement to the other.
The cycling course went from the very north of Cologne along the Fühlinger See to the city centre of Cologne, near the dome and to Köln-Deutz. In Deutz I placed my bike, took my running gear and started running. I was happy to see my supporters even following me a little and filming and taking pictures. The weather became real nice, around 23 degrees I guess. Ininitally I wanted not to eat much during the run but rather try to drink coke (I don't drink coke at home at all) as many of my experienced clubmates do it this way and even I cannot refrain from the fact that coke while running seems supportive. I also had pretzels, bananas, water melons, water and vegan energy gels from carboo 4 u. The first of the 3 14km laps was good, on the second I started becoming slower and around 20km I did not really want to continue running, my muscles became sore. At around 28-35km I got stitches on my right side so I had to slow down a little. After km 37 I needed to speed up again and so I did. My body felt alright and I overtook quite a few people on the last kms. The marathon took me 3:44h, which is alright and about what I have calculated but slower than I had hoped. 10:22:59 h in total is great for a first Ironman! I went to the chill out zone to relax and eat a bit but I wasn't as hungry as usual. From there I head to the massage and it was a good decision as I was first in line. 20 min of massage is like heaven after a race.
Next up we decided what and how to do next. Had to grab my bike, my bags, etc and that took a long time. Then we also had to find the bus shuttle that brought us near our cars (not too near though and I had waited for them to pick me up after 8 minutes of walking.

I am glad I got friends that supported me on that special day. I know that some people got inspired to do more sports on their own and hopefully many people thought critically about the shit they consume and the bullshit patterns of dietary in their heads.
It was a nice run, a nice day, with even nicer persons and a nice meal at Jade Imbiss in Düsseldorf after the race.

Today is day two after the race and I do feel really good again. Found this interesting article yesterday:

Friends of mine that got into sports before veganism said that it seems true for them. I don't know as I am vegan for 16 years now, which means long before I have started endurance training, but well... if there's only 50% truth to it then everyone should consider a vegan diet even for a better workout efficiency.

There's a new vegan catering company in the Ruhrpott run by real compassionate people.

Training August 20th to September
20th: 59 km cycling to Herne and back
21st: Stability and power Workout + Ropeskipping
22nd: 3.3km swimming
23rd: 25min running, 40min swimming, 26min running incl. 3 sprints
24th: 22km running in 1.41h incl. 73min almost half-marathon pace
25th: 111km cycling in 3.30h
26th: 45min running, 36 min yoga toning and stretch
27th: 1.5h cycling on ergobike
28th: Restday!
29th: 30km to Herne (morning), 42 min running (noon) incl. 2x10min halfmarathon pace, 30km back home
30th: 2.4km swimming
31st: Restday
1st: Srpint Triathlon in Cologne (First day of Cologne Tria Weekend) in 1:26h
2nd: Long Distance Triathlon in Cologne (second day/ PETA Donation run) in 10:22:59h
3rd: Restday
4th: Restday
5th: easy 1.3km swimming
6th: easy 45 min cycling on ergobike, then sauna
7th: ca. 1km lake swimming
8th: 20km cycling incl. 3 sprints, 3km running incl. 3 times fast for 1min
9th: Olympic Triathlon in Xanten in 2:22h

Samstag, 25. August 2012

An interview with me on the Veganblog of PETA in german

One more week to my Ironman-Distance Triathlon in Cologne. I got interviewed by PETA and you can read the interview here (german only): Interview Veganblog
This is the direct link to the webpage where you can donate money to PETA: Donation

Vacation in Czech Rep./ Slovenia/ Austria/ Italy part II
We were still hanging out at Flufffest. This morning my friends Max and Dom wanted to go running again, but I had 6 hours block training on my schedule, so I went cycling for 5.10h again to Kralovice and Plasy and then through the countryside towards Rokycany through several nice villages, along reservoirs and just afew cars passing by and almost no cyclists although the whole infrastructure is perfect since there are no traffic lights (more roundabouts, if even needed).
When I got back Max' girlfriend Lex gave a lecture on Sea Shepherd, because she spent half a year on a ship in Antarctica. It was breathtaking what she has presented. Here's a link to their website.
After eating much more good food there, watching a few bands and saying goodbye to the english dudes and Dominik I went to bed very tired. But not before Dominik and me agreed on doing an ultra run together next year
The next morning was our time to leave. We went towards Vienna. A nice town to stop by was Jihlave, where we went shopping. The townfortifications looked quite impressive:
 After this we got to Vienna to see Ritual, Verse, Soul Control and Anchor play.
Lseeping in Vienna and planning to visit Schloss Schönbrunn in the morning (the girls wanted to see the park, Micha and me wanted to go swimming). The damage for swimming was 10€ which was too much, so we have joined the girls and went through the park.
Schloss Schönbrunn

Ciy of Vienna
After visiting Vienna we went to Michis father in Spital am Pyhrn, went to the Gleinkersee and ran there. We have also celebrated the birthday of Michis father with his friends and ate soup and veggiestuff while they had a barbecue. We left the other morning and went to the chruch in the village which is pretty big considering the small size of the village.
Bones in the church of Spital am Pyhrn

My car and me at Michis fathers house
 After we left here for Slovenia and Italy I still needed to go swimming, so we stopped in a small city in Austria where I saw signs to a swimming pool. It wasn't the warmest day and I was the only there. The water was 18degrees at max and I had to do 2.4km. I kept freezing for more than an hour after the swim still.
swimming in one of the coldest pools ever