Sonntag, 9. Dezember 2012

The world is changing for the better...

Lately I have been thinking about this a lot because I can see a significant change towards a more conscious lifestyle in todays society.
In 1996 at the age of 16 I have made a conscious and consequent step towards a vegan lifestyle.
I remember being happy when seeing soymilk in a supermarket and not having to pay a lot for an undelicious soymilk from the health food store.
I ran around with a "Veganissimo 1" in my backpack all the time.
Just today I went to Netto (german discount grocery store). Nowadays I can get soymilk, fakemeat stuff and organic bananas there. But they also label many of their products "vegan", even the aceto balsamico I have bought. That is an incredible progression towards a more conscious society und unthinkable 10 years ago.

3 weeks ago I went running with these fine dudes that are running the blog "beVegt". The forest "Stadtpark in Frankfurt was our destination and we ran almost 22km. Really nice!
Daniel, me and Katrin
We had an incredible hangout, good talk, they prepared a delicious meal and I have tasted their energy bar Thanks to you for these hours spent!

There's two more things that I want to see happening soon:
A network of veggie/vegan handymen, financial advisors, etc. so that I can choose for veggies to do jobs for me. I don't want my money to support other people to buy more meat and exploit more animals or perhaps even buy guns to go hunting! So someone should get that sort of info network together, please! 

I would also love to see a petition asking for all the german chocolate producers to leave butterfat out of their bitter chocolates. Until around ten years ago I was able to eat all the christmas chocolate stuff, but nowadays it is hard to come by vegan christmas stuff.

Another question: What's up with filtering fruit juices? It can be made with gelatine. Need to find that out as well. Anyone's got a hint? I've just heard that Aldi Süd's apple juice is vegan. I am happy about hearing that since it is my fave apple juice.

The second to last weekend I went running with my friends Kerstin and Sebastian, accompanied by my girlfriend. We went 20km around the 6-Seen-Platte which is the running mekka in Duisburg.
Last weekend we went mountainbiking with several cool dudes from my triathlon club plus one more friend of mine. It has been my first time on a MTB after 2 years since my bike got stolen. Awesome! I really love it and need to buy a decent MTB soon again. 
Some of the best dudes to go mountainbiking with!

On the next day 4 of us from the MTB tour did the 10km race of our club in Oberhausen Schmachtendorf. Sebastian placed first in our age group, I was second. 
Nordtriathleten after the race

Me and Seb. The 3rd guy was not there anymore, but that pic is real! :-)
Finally I was brave enough to get a "vegan" tattoo. I do have "No more" tattooed on my inner lip, which is from a veggie song by "Youth of Today", but up until a few months back I was not 100% sure if I will stay vegan for the rest of my life.
Now I do know! I have been vegan for the last 16 years of my life, which is half my life now and it has never been as easy to live vegan as it is now. So why should I ever take that decision back. It is the best choice in my life and feels totally natural, healthy and compassionate. It has also become so easy. So I went to my buddys at Lifetime Tattoos and got Frank to do this on me, after Andre has done a three other big tats on me.

After the tattoosession I went to Lolu, which is really close. It is a nice veggie restaurant with several vegan options and meals. They got great fresh tea as well. I can really recommend the hummus with bread and the seitan burger.

Before heading there I went to my favortite organic bakery in Duisburg: Schomaker. They got vegan nougatrings as well as other sweet things and delicious bread rolls with olives, etc.
You cannot go wrong there!

Training November 18th- December 18th:
18th: 2h running with Katrin and Daniel of BeVegt in Frankfurt
19th: mixed workout with kettlebell, ergobike, rope, own body weight
20th: 1h badminton with my daughter, 2.1km swimming with speed intervals
21st: 1h easy cycling on my fitnessbike
22nd: ropeskipping, treadmill, fitnessbike, TRX training, own body weight exercises at my new job
23rd: 10 min running to the swimming hall, then 2.1km swimming
24th: 1h running with Fila Skeletoes, 34 min Yoga (toning and stretch)
25th: 2 climbing, then 20.5km running
26th: Restday
27th: 2.3km swimming
28th: 35 min running in Fila Skeletoes, then 40 min easy cycling on fitnessbike
29th: 1h power and stability exercises +  ropeskipping and running on the treadmill
30th: 1h running incl. 3 sprints (with Fila Skeletoes again)
Dec. 1st: 3h mountainbiking with my teammates and friends, then 30 min badminton with my daughter
2nd: Nikolausrun (crossrun) of Sterkrade-Nord (my club): 10km in 39.03min
3rd: 34 min toning and stretch Yoga, then 15 min easy running with my daughter incl. sprints
4th: 2,4km swimming
5th: 42 min running incl. 3 sprints in the morning (fasting run)
6th: 1h power and stability, then 65 min treadmill incl. 4 sprints
7th: 34 min easy cycling on fitnessbike
8th: 3 spinning, 25 min running incl. 5x1min at 20 km/h, then a few exercises for power
9th: 11.2km running on snow and ice
10th: Just Yoga (toning and stretch)
11th: 70 min running incl. 3 sprints
12th: 1h cycling, ca. 40 min power and stablity, 70 min running incl. 10 sprints (first four moderate, 6-10 harder)
13th: 36 min running, 5 min rowing
14th: restday
15th: 29km running incl. several runs up the Schlackeberg (big big slagheap) 
16th: 64 min cycling incl. 2x 6 high intensive intervals
17th: 1h easy cycling (to compensate the weekends training)
18th: 45 min easy running incl. 3 sprints