Mittwoch, 3. April 2013

Again it has been quite a while since my last entry here.
Anyways... I got some news:

I have a new personal best time on 10k running. On Feb. 16th I ran 10.1k in 38.35min, stopped 10k at ca. 38.10min. My two teambuddies got in just before me. Here are two pics of the OTVMeile in my hometown Oberhausen.
2nd is my teambuddy Seb, 3rd is me!

My boss at my part-time job wants to help me setting up a bike. So I got my new bike parts: frame, steering, wheels. Now almost everything is ready.
I only got the frameset of this picture

Our team Nordtriathleten (or better just Robert) organized another Funrun. It was a trailrun on a track near Oberhausen (Rotbach). We were 12 people, of which some are just new to the team. We did almost 8km on the track and ran a little hill (like 200m) up 3 times. 
Nordtriathleten and guests during Funrun (Trailrun)
I will soon do my first training holiday on Mallorca. I cannot wait. Only one more week, YES! This is the hotel where we're going to stay: Ferrer Janeiro

My daughter is going to get confirmed in her protestant belief in April and we'll probably have a friend catering for us. This is the link to his startup catering service: Eat without meat

I was a little worried about my bodyfat index. I have never had more than 3,4% bodyfat, then 3,2% last week. Probably need to find another way to measure it. Found on the web that 3.something is ok as long as you feel good. Since I have not been serioulsy ill within the last 3 years, I might just be ok with it. I still feel very good! Need to check my blood again, though.

On Facebook I have come across the portrait of a person, who I really look up to:
WernerHofstetter   but I also hope to be inspiring a little myself.
My friend Tete (fellow vegan ultrarunner) from Barcelona and me have a portrait in a small book project called: "Sweet and low" by our common friend Patrycia.

I have also answered and Interview on parenting and HClifestyle, which will soon be online. I will let you know!

Training Febr. 17th- March 21st:
17th: 95 min running through woods, then 90 min cycling (indoor)
18th: Restday
19th: Toning Yoga, 1.20h cycling on fitnessbike
20th: 2.6km swimming
21st: Rowing, Power, 35 min running incl. 3 sprints and progressing pace
22nd: 2.5km swimming
23rd: 52 min running with weigths incl. 3 sprints
24th: Restday
25th: 54 min running, incl. 4 sprints
26th: 60 min running, 80 min cycling 
27th: 2.3km swimming, 70 min cycling in the evening (strength endurance)
28th: Power and stability
1st: 67 min running incl. 5*400m fast (3.20pace), then played a show
2nd: 93 min running through Hamburg along the "Alster", later Show
3rd:  120 cycling on spinbike, 12 min running with my daughter
4th: 3.2km swimming
5th: 65 min running
6th: 2.7km swimming, 17 min Yoga Stretch, 88 min running incl. 3 sprints
7th: 12 min rowing, 30 min power and stability
8th: 2.2km swimming,
9th: 1.10 h trailrun with my teambuddies (Funrun) incl. hillrepeats, later 1.20h cycling
10th: 70 min cycling, later 78 min running
11th: Restday
12th: 63 min running
13th: 2.7km swimming, 10 min toning Yoga, later indoor climbing
14th: 36 min running, 6 min rowing, power and stability
15th: 2.2km swimming
16th: Restday
17th: 1h running incl. 3 sprints, 90 min cycling
18th: 93 min running in barefoot shoes
19th: 35 km easy cycling, Yoga (Toning and Stretch)
20th: 35 min swimming, 85 min cycling
21st: 1.4km swimming, later power and stability, rowing ropeskipping and 40min run (progressive)