Montag, 30. Dezember 2013

End of the year!

2013 was good, 2014 needs to get even better!

One run in early December: "Nikolauslauf" organized by our clubs athletic department (I placed 3rd overall with a new personal best of 37.55min, with least training ever!!!)

The start (me in the center)

Me and my friend Sascha placing 1st and 2nd in our age group

This is the plan I have done with the guidance of my friend Robert from the OTV Endurance Team for the days between christmas and new years, ending the year with a run in Herne called Hernersilvesterlauf

Friday 27.12
10 h
2 ½ h Mountainbike
1h power and stability at home
8 h
1 ½ h swimming Schwimmbad SV Gladbeck
~ 9:45 h
1 ½ h running (directly after swimming)
15 h
Iceskating with the family
20 h
1 1/2 h indoor cycling
Sunday 29.12.
10:30 h
3 h Mountainbike Vereinsanlage Kaisergarten
~ 14 h
Coffee and cake
Monday 30.12.
8 h
1 ½ h swimming Schwimmbad SV Gladbeck
10 h
11 h
2 h MTB, then 25 min running

My plans for 2014:

April 12th: Bleilochlauf (Distance: 24 or 46 km) in Saalburg/Schleiz
April 14th-23rd: Training on Mallorca with Ironmario
May 25th: Olympic Distance in Hagen (with Nordtriathleten)
June 1st: Olympic Ditance Triathlon in Kleve
June 8th: Middle Distance (aka Half Ironman) in Terheijden/NL
June 15th: Olympic Distance Triathlon near Aachen (Indeland Tria)
June 29th: Olympic Distance Triathlon in Münster
July 20th: Long Distance Triathlon (aka Ironman) in Roth

Autumn: Running along the Camino de Santiago