Freitag, 28. September 2012

Next races for me!

Now that the triathlon season is over (and if no wonder occurs that I am gonna be flying to the Gamrin Barcelona City Triathlon) I will finally go running again.

My motivation within the last week wasn't high and I had 3 (!!!) days to rest. No time, no motivation to do sports. My muscles still felt slightly sore beyond reason.
Anyways... In october and November I am gonna partake in these two races:

Oct. 3rd: Herne: Herbstlauf of the Herner Triahtlon Team (a young triathlon team def. worth supporting).
Nov. 4th: Herne: St. Martini-City-Lauf

Both will be 10km races. The first one through woods, the second is a fast course within the city of Herne.
I will also have 15-20 kids from school with me that run the kids races.

Those days could be leisure days, or at least have more leisure hours, but I do believe that kids nowadays need to pushed, need to be pulled away from the shit they consume on tv and other media.
Where will this end if little kids don't know how to play, how to run, how to walk stairs?
I will always do my best to give them an opportunity to make this experiences. One life- one chance!

One of my favorite songs!

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