Samstag, 25. August 2012

An interview with me on the Veganblog of PETA in german

One more week to my Ironman-Distance Triathlon in Cologne. I got interviewed by PETA and you can read the interview here (german only): Interview Veganblog
This is the direct link to the webpage where you can donate money to PETA: Donation

Vacation in Czech Rep./ Slovenia/ Austria/ Italy part II
We were still hanging out at Flufffest. This morning my friends Max and Dom wanted to go running again, but I had 6 hours block training on my schedule, so I went cycling for 5.10h again to Kralovice and Plasy and then through the countryside towards Rokycany through several nice villages, along reservoirs and just afew cars passing by and almost no cyclists although the whole infrastructure is perfect since there are no traffic lights (more roundabouts, if even needed).
When I got back Max' girlfriend Lex gave a lecture on Sea Shepherd, because she spent half a year on a ship in Antarctica. It was breathtaking what she has presented. Here's a link to their website.
After eating much more good food there, watching a few bands and saying goodbye to the english dudes and Dominik I went to bed very tired. But not before Dominik and me agreed on doing an ultra run together next year
The next morning was our time to leave. We went towards Vienna. A nice town to stop by was Jihlave, where we went shopping. The townfortifications looked quite impressive:
 After this we got to Vienna to see Ritual, Verse, Soul Control and Anchor play.
Lseeping in Vienna and planning to visit Schloss Schönbrunn in the morning (the girls wanted to see the park, Micha and me wanted to go swimming). The damage for swimming was 10€ which was too much, so we have joined the girls and went through the park.
Schloss Schönbrunn

Ciy of Vienna
After visiting Vienna we went to Michis father in Spital am Pyhrn, went to the Gleinkersee and ran there. We have also celebrated the birthday of Michis father with his friends and ate soup and veggiestuff while they had a barbecue. We left the other morning and went to the chruch in the village which is pretty big considering the small size of the village.
Bones in the church of Spital am Pyhrn

My car and me at Michis fathers house
 After we left here for Slovenia and Italy I still needed to go swimming, so we stopped in a small city in Austria where I saw signs to a swimming pool. It wasn't the warmest day and I was the only there. The water was 18degrees at max and I had to do 2.4km. I kept freezing for more than an hour after the swim still.
swimming in one of the coldest pools ever

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