On the 27th I wanted to go running, but it turned out we went to the gym, where I did 30 min of exercises for strength and then 30 minutes running in neoprene socks on a treadmill. I felt a blister after 17 min already, but wanted to finish 30 min of running. After the 30 min I went rowing for 10 minutes and then 20 minutes really fast on a fitness bike. So 1h cardio in total and very diverse. My feet hurt a little.
The other day my training buddy wanted to run ca. 20 km, but I didn't know if I was ready to go due to the blisters.
I was afraid of not being able to run so I went swimming first and did 3.6km at the Aquapark in Oberhausen around noon.
At 16.00h met up with my budy to run, but I only did ca. 13km, but went to the meeting point by bike again. I was pretty tired in the evening. Day in total: 8km cycling, 13 km running, 3.6km swimming. Needed to do Yoga in the evening and used this DVD which I got for Christmas:
29th December: Still pretty tired from lasts days workout. Wanted to go the gym again after helping a friend moving (loads of stairs up and down). Did one hour of Iron System workout there for the first time. During training my muscles felt sore a couple of times.
After Iron System I went to the Cycling course for one hour.
On the next morning my alarm clock woke me up at 6.17h in the morning. I was lying in bed unsure if I should get up that early to go swimming. At 6.33h I sat on my bike on my way to the pool. I swam 2.4km, shopped a few things afterwards and got home to have breakfast.
A guy came to tune our new purchased piano.
At 15.00h we met at the climbing gym "Neoliet" in Mülheim. It was my daughters first time climbing and she did very well. I still have to fight with 6+ routes. 5- I have done a couple so far. My daughter did a couple of 3 and 3+ routes.Luckily they even have vegan climbing shoes for rent there.
My daughter climbing up and me safeguarding |
Had to wake up early again to meet with my students for the "Herner Silvesterlauf" at the Gysenbergpark. Since we are the current titleholder of primary schools with most kids finishing the race we had to go there again. We also wanted to win the donation for the winner again. Kids had fun, one of my students places first in his agegroup, the parents liked it and we placed 2nd and still got some money for our school. Good day! We didn't want to stay there too long due to my daughter feeling bad, so I only did the 5km run. My first ever 5km run. Placed 6th and first in my agegroup. Time: 18:53. Was alright, considering my muscles were already sore, when I ran with the kids before my run. Total muscle soreness this evening!!! Loads of stretching to be done!
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