Sonntag, 11. März 2012

"Easy to make" recovery meal/ Training March 5th - 12th

Mixed salad, mexican veggies, hash-browns, tofu, wheat germs, sprouted quinoa seeds, nutritional yeast (as in the big jar), soaked in buckwheat (in the bowl to the left) and a bloody orange for dessert. Easy and fast to make, yet a nice recovery meal (actually I ate two portions of this and had 2 wholegrain breadrolls before)
Training this week:
5th: mixed exercises for power with swissball, weights, own body weight for 75 min, then sauna and in the evening 75 min running.
6th: 2,4km swimming from 6.45-7.45 incl. some sprints
7th: playing football with my friends for 90 minutes here
8th: 70 min running incl. 3 sprints, then rehearsal
9th: power yoga 17 min, 2,8km swimming, stretch yoga 17 min
10th: 90 min running incl. spirints, exercises and high intensive sprint intervalls, 19km in total
11th: 5h cycling (144 km), then climbing at the "Bergwerk" (Which means "mine", it used to be a coal mine) in Dortmund here

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