Sonntag, 9. Oktober 2011

Weekend training

On friday before bandmeeting I went to the new gym. Did some weightlifting and a very short run there and then went for the sauna. Nice!
Then we met at the Unperfekthaus and had some food and drinks there! Check this if you are somewhat creative or open minded. Felix and me found an acoustic guitar so we jammed some songs and got invited to a public band practice in another room. haha. But we just stayed there and sang some more Oasis and Dag Nasty. After this we headed for the mall "Limbeckerplatz", but it is shite! So we decided to visit my old university and went to a party at the KKC to dance to some shitty and some better music. It was fun and I went to bed around 4 am.

Yesterday I went running after bringing my daughter to her badminton game. I made it back in time to see her winning. Back home before entering I went for another 30 min of running incl. 8 sprints and did some exercises with Therabands for arms, shoulders, chest, back and belly in my living room.

Today I woke up late again. Having had a delicious and healthy breakfast I went off to meet with Micha (Ironman Triathlete) for a nice cycling tour of 64 km on a mountainbike to the Rhine. I am still quite exhausted and had to sleep an hour. Gotta get my work for the week done now! Good night and have a nice week!

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