Mittwoch, 14. Dezember 2011

I have been wham-ed at indoor cycling

Shit! It had happened. I have been semi"wham"-ed earlier this week when my daughter came home singing this shitty "last christmas" song, but I have been full on "Wham-ed" by my cycling instructor a few hours ago. She did not really want to play it, but some dude wanted to here it, so I got "wham"-ed there. Shit! Game over!

Anyways... I did 45 minutes of swimming yesterday morning before going to school and that wakes me up!
There was a time when 25 minutes scwimming before school left me very exhausted but now it is refreshing to swim 45 min in the morning.

Found these two interesting links:
Dave Noisy about vegan cycling
Vegan Tour de France cyclist

I have just picked up the "Veggie Athletes" team shirts. Will be for sale through soon!
More Infos will be posted here!

1 Kommentar:

  1. The majority, especially gentlemen generate their ancient t-shirts their particular night rowing jerseys not to mention nap for their mens bicycle shorts.
